As I sit here in bed watching yet another episode of mickey mouse, I thought I'd update my blog. My life has been so crazy the last month, I feel like I'm completely behind on everything. My girls have all gotten addicted to farm town so we aren't emailing as much. It makes me sad I don't get to hear every single thing going on with them anymore :) I'm farming some but I mainly plant things that take a few days because I just don't have the time. Several of my friends are needing prayers right now. Some to do with their kids, some longing for children, some with money troubles. If you read this just say a quick prayer for some great ladies - they'll all be very appreciative and so will I. I took some bathtub pictures tonight so when I get them off the camera I'll get them on here. Well mickey's over so nighty night all! Hugs :)
12 years ago
hey Jill! i hear ya on a lot of ppl needing prayer! im still here u know where to find me! :) and Im not addicted to farm town! LOL i barely know how to do anything in facebook other than download pics!!
Aww I know what you mean.. i was missing the email chains too!
I miss "the girls" too. I know we can chat & farm, but it's totally not the same! Plus we're distracted by farming if we're chatting on Farm Town.
I'm hoping Scott will either buy me a laptop or get bored w/FT so I can have my computer time back! I can farm & email at the same time...if Scott would get his ass out of this chair!
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